
Monday 2 February 2015

The Asia adventure...

... aka "a foodie's trip to paradise".

Finally. I am here. I have arrived on the continent of my (foodie) dreams. Following my heart and giving this obsession with Asian food a reality check, I have decided to embark on a 3 months long trip to the food heavens in the far east. Stops are foreseen in Thailand (from where I currently write), Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, South Korea and last, but certainly not least, Japan.
I think it's needless to say that I have not been disillusioned with the food here. Quite on the contrary - as you may have guessed (or already know from personal experience). If Thailand is not a foodie paradise, then I really don't know. The millions of food stands that just pop up wherever you go, the freshest and exotic ingredients, the Thai traditional tea... I could go on and fill pages with the impressions. But rather than do that, I will follow up on the promise that I have made to plenty of people: share my experience with you through recipes that I am gatherirng here - be it through cooking classes or just sitting next to the cook and watching. I hope that it will bring some fresh spices to your kitchen and encourage some of you to replace that take away order with the real deal...!


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