
Friday 24 May 2013

Summer project 2013...

... or why I make a second attempt at blogging.

You can't just start a blog by posting your first recipe. Even if the title of this blog is relatively self-explaining. Here comes thus a little introduction to my very own (humble) experience in the blogosphere and an explanation for why exactly I make a new attempt at this blogging business.

A couple of years ago, I had my first go at blogging, writing about my work and life experience in Lebanon. I wasn't particularly good at keeping up the rythm of posts and eventually, the reason for my blogging (i.e. my job) came to and end and the blog disappeared in the endlessness of the internet universe. This year, I had the fabulous (let's see about that) idea to start a new endeavour, but this time with a bit more planning and preparation. And most of all with a topic that is not limited in time or place: food.

For those who don't know me (or have forgotten): I am passionate about food and have an insatiable appetite. I can eat about every half an hour, have an unexplained obsession with Asian food (for some time it was sushi, then dumplings, currently it tends more towards Korean bulgogi) and eating dominates much of my life (grumpiness being the result if I don't respect my inner wishes). I love cooking about as much as eating - as long as it is not for myself only (yes, you can imagine the joy of family members). The aim of this blog is to share my passion for culinary delights with you. I intend to post many different recipes, but also to recommend some of my favourite restaurants around the globe - always hoping that my next mission* will not be in some godforsaken place without inspiration.

Now, I think this is enough of an introduction. Just a few remarks upfront (to avoid nasty comments and law suits): I am not a cook. I am also not a nutritionist. I eat meat of all sorts, even despite health risks and moral considerations. My native tongue is not English and I love parentheses. So please take posts on my blog with a grain of salt and a pinch of humour. And ENJOY!

* For those who don't know, in my "official" life, I work as a delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross (short ICRC) and forlorn duty stations are a bit of an occupational hazard. Yet I have to add that you can find very good food even in places you would least expect it: for example eat the best Breton crêpes (galletes) in Nouakchott, Mauritania!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caro, is this an extract of the book you made for D? I had been meaning to ask you - looking good - shall try your recipes :-) be in touch x wale


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